We are obviously all facing uncertain times with this corona virus hitting the globe and I wanted to do a quick blog post to say be authentic with how you're really feeling - it's okay. Being brave, having a stiff British upper lip or feeling that you have to be positive because you're a Christian - is not being authentic, it adds more stress and gives off the impression that Christians are super human and don't feel the same as everyone else. Also God knows you, inside and out, there is no point in trying to fool him.

It's okay to grieve for the life you normally live, it's not selfish, it's not ungodly. I have a 16 year old son who will not get to sit his GCSEs and all the lasts of school life. His grades will be based on mocks he didn't take seriously at the time... It's okay to feel rocked by the changes, the loss of social activities, saddened by the empty shelves in the supermarkets - it's okay to feel.
It's okay to feel worried about your family, their needs, the health of others, the economy, etc. How to balance educating children and work, job security, the uncertainties, the frustration of how others react to social distancing or not...
Reading through the Psalms, the authors often cry out about the circumstances they are in, the feelings that are consuming them. God wants us to tell him our worries, fears, frustrations...
I Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you
God cares about you, He wants you to release your worries and fears to him. He loves you -
Jeremiah 31:3 The LORD appeared to him from afar, saying, "I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with loving kindness.
In all the worries and fears, remember that God loves and cares for you. God is still and always is good. He is kind. Hold onto this truth, in everything God loves and cares for you. Choose to hold onto the truth, declare his praises (even through the pain of grief), lean on the scripture promises, pray and tell him your feelings, trust Him to help you through this time. Don't say everything will be fine, if you don't mean it - be authentic with your faith - i'm struggling with loss but I'm choosing to hold onto my faith, to grow in trust and believe in God.
If you feel at peace, fabulous! encourage others and share your story of how you came to trust, feel peace. I have been through trials and have listened to others say empty words/scripture of how what i was feeling was wrong because they felt I wasn't trusting in God, there was no explanation/reason behind how too, other than just do it.
I have now faced trials and have learned to trust in God. I know it can be hard so I didn't want to say the bible says not to fear etc etc because we are humans and we feel emotions - and that's okay. God didn't give them to us to be unkind (he can't because he is kind) they are not to be ignored. I view them as signals. When I feel overwhelmed I cry out, I pray, I worship, I rest. Even though I may not feel it, I repeat scripture, I choose to trust in God and His words to help me through the trial. I tell God my feelings and if i'm still struggling I tell others to help me pray through them. It's not a stiff upper lip thing, it can be hard and messy. Each time God has helped me through and each time my faith has grown. Also I was keen to rush through my trials - no one likes pain, its painful! But it takes time, grief takes time, lessons take time to truly learn and process. There's no quick easy fix. Don't feel worried or condemned because of your feelings, it doesn't make you any less loved or accepted by God. It's okay to grieve, to admit that life's a bit sucky or you're finding it hard to cope. It's okay to be you. God made you, to be you!
Be encouraged that you will not be the only one feeling this, be encouraged to cry out to God, to ask for help, to keep going...