I'm a homemaker, housewife, stay at home mum or whatever you prefer to call it - basically I am not employed - I full time look after my family and home. I'm married and have 4 children - 2 with autism. If you read my post before I haven't always appreciated this position but i do now and this is what I love about it: (in no particular order)
No bleak mornings... There are no more sleepless Sunday nights/Monday morning blues. I don't necessarily want to get out of bed - it's comfortable, cosy and warm... but I don't get a feeling of dread when the working week starts.
I'm the manager - I organise my own schedule/day. I choose my routines and can fit it around my family/commitments. No two days are/have to be the same. I can choose to have a lazy day and when to take holidays.
I'm the manager - I do not have to ask and seek permission from a boss I can try out/do new things around my home or change my routine up without seeking someone's permission or appealing to them. I do choose to consult and work with my husband.
I like serving my family and being there for them. My husband works from home and if time allows we go out for lunch or coffee together. I'm there if he wants a soundboard. I can attend my children's appointments (mostly) they are each at a different education setting and there have been clashes. I prioritise medical appointments first and then go to what I can next. I can choose to rest during the day so I have energy for evenings out or taking my children to their functions. It also means I can do all the house stuff, so we have weekends free. I'm around for my children if they need to chat, help with homework etc I'm saying I'm available to my family.
It's creative, I can try my hand at blogging, decorating, baking, making, gardening, cleaning, crafts etc
Learning - there are opportunities to improve on my skills. I can take classes, online video's, books etc I can learn new things to help improve our lives.
Rewarding - I'm building up my own home and family. I can do chores/jobs that directly impact me and can see results. I like cleaning as you can see the results straight away.
Life Admin - I can do the accounts, bills, forms etc research items to save time, to allow us more time to do things together. I can look for the cheaper tariffs when it comes to bills etc, I can learn new systems to account finances and save money.
My husband can focus on his work without the worry of the home stuff. He doesn't want to do it/enjoy it, so this helps him. He's free to 100% focus on his career which provides for all of us.
Volunteering - I use my time to volunteer at church as a youth worker for 11-14 year olds, I mentor a teen and I'm part of the worship band. I use my time to support my church and community.
There are many women that do all of this and work/have a career - great for them! - which I mean sincerely. However, I don't think I could handle that or do everything justice. I know I'm privileged to be in this position and I am thankful for it. Not working does come with sacrifice, in terms of possessions or fancy holidays but it does mean I can take away stress from my family and myself. I have to be self motivated and accept that what I do will not always be appreciated ie walking over mopped floors or moaning over the choice of dinner but I will have created a loving home where everyone is cared for and loved.

I would like to point out, whilst I love this - it does not mean my home is perfect and that everything is wonderfully organised. We are real people, with emotions, that make messes and forget things. Whilst I try to make things stress free, drama does seem to find us! It's all part of being human.
It's not typical in my culture to still be at home when your children are at school age. The cost of living is high and both working parents are needed to help to provide a home to live in, let alone luxuries. I sometimes feel I have to justify it when people ask what I do. Actually, I do a lot, I just don't get paid for it. It may seem mundane but it's important work, work I'm called to do by God. Some christian women will work and have careers, perhaps even alongside a family, but that is not my calling. I do believe that working women can still be called to homemaking, to have a heart for the home - i believe it is possible for all women. I will not judge others and tell them what they should be doing. I'm not God and I do not know what God plans for them to do. There will be those reading this who would love to just be at home but for whatever reason its not possible right now - like I said before - I am in a privileged position and I'm thankful for it. If your heart is elsewhere from your circumstance, then please pray, ask God for what you want/hope for... He is a loving God!
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Thank you for these reminders of what's great about being a stay at home mom. Sometimes the days are long and I can lose sight of all of the good.
I'm happy to be a stay-at-home-mom as well, even if it means giving up the extra luxuries that come with having an added income. In today's world, kids really need their mothers to be present more than ever.
Growing up in the city I didn't know anything about homemakers, all women went to work. But after having kids I didn't want to live in the fast life of the city and moved out more to the country. And I see many moms that stay home and take care of their kids and the home. I wish I could do the same as well, but I guess it would be hard on the family to change our income so drastically. I appreciate and honor stay at homemakers.
I’ve worked in both capacities and definitely find pros and cons to both. There are things I enjoy about both and really appreciate this list because sometimes I do take many of these for granted!
Homeschooling is a calling and I am so glad you are enjoying your purpose! Your children will be blessed by your dedication and love for homeschooling.