Its that most wonderful time of year and being organised helps to take away stress and allows you to enjoy the season. From my Instagram feed, we are over half way through our month of thankfulness, so in the midst of busyness we are preparing our hearts and minds to be content and thankful to God.

Recap from Christmas Prep Week 1
Decide what to buy for our children.
My children's presents are purchased, apart from a couple where I am waiting on promotions to get at a better price (noted in the diary to purchase - so I don't forget).
All delivery parcels and payments checked and presents organised into who's who piles, ready for wrapping.
Presents to my children from family members have been purchased, arrived, payment collected and delivered to family members for wrapping.
This week of Christmas Prep is a shorter week for me and this is because I will be serving on the Pathfinders (youth) weekend away. I need to prep and pack for this weekend and to make sure all my usual jobs around the home are completed before I go. However, there are still a few smaller jobs I can fit in...
This week, Christmas Prep Week 2
Visit to Ideal Home Christmas Show
Dates in the diary for school Christmas shows
Write out my husbands and my own Gift List for our parents & send it
Making a note of when my grocery priority Christmas online delivery dates go live, so I don't miss out. No one likes to visit the supermarket Christmas week, as its so busy!
I've never been to the Ideal Christmas Home show before but I am looking forward to it. I am having time away from the norms of my everyday life to indulge in Christmas splendour with my mum. Hopefully, I may get inspiration for gift ideas from my parents and the adults we buy for...
Our parents want our lists but are not very good at letting us know what they want. I think this is because they are at a stage in life where they can buy what they need and don't really have many wants. However, they do and have done a lot for us, and so I like to bless them with a gift. For us its a way to honour them.
Our gift list - Its helpful to know what people currently like, as tastes change through the year. I'm now gluten and dairy free, due to intolerance, so the chocolates I liked last year - I can no longer eat :( and I wouldn't be thrilled to have them as a gift. Personally, I put down my favourite brands of toiletries, drinks that I like, a few practical times I'd like for the home and a few books that I would like to read. My husband has his favourite treats and drinks, along with some clothing items. We always appreciate money as a gift too - it allows us to wait till we really want something or we can spend on experiences throughout the year. Experiences being trips or meals out.
Keeping the diary up to date with all the Christmas events obviously helps you not to over book/commit. My youngest has been busy practising for his Christmas play - it will be his last Christmas play because in his primary school, the children in the older years, do a special carol and Christingle service at the local church instead.
The primary school also has their Christmas Fayre at the end of November, so there are mufti days and fill a cup days, to organise too. At my eldest's school, they celebrate Children in Need day (November) so he has mufti day contributions to bring in. My home educated child has a photography exhibition to prepare for too. We need to print and mount them for display, all takes time and resources to do.
Schools should know when they are holding plays etc so if you're unsure or need to book time off, call them and ask. I make a note of when events are happening in the diary and also a note for when I do food shopping that week to pick up items for the contributions for mufti days.
How are you getting on with your Christmas Prep?
Christmas Prep Series: