Hello, yes I'm back from a break from blogging. I hope you are all well and embracing the summer season. I thought I'd start by explaining why I use the dandelion seed photo as my logo and the purpose behind the blog.
If you have been following me from the start then you know the reason behind starting this blog was to share what my christian life looks like. I call them stories - they are moments of my life and I hope others will share their stories too. I don't always talk about my faith in conversation, it doesn't come easily to me to tie it in etc but I can write about it and share it with others here. I hope that my stories will encourage and show others Jesus in the ordinary and not so ordinary days. The dandelion seed photo, obviously shows seeds and I hope to plant seeds in others, to encourage them to know Jesus and in their daily lives. My son took this photo.
Who am I?
I am a daughter of the King! I'm also married to my husband and we've been together since I was 16. I'm a mother of 4 boys who are currently at school age, 2 of my children have autism. One attends a specialist school and the other I home educate. My other 2 sons are at mainstream school, one is about to attend secondary and the other is at upper junior school. Whilst I graduated university in fashion and worked for a short time in the industry, my calling is a wife and mother. This encompasses many things and roles - it certainly has its challenges at times but its an adventure, and one I am blessed to walk.
In the society I live in, it is a counter culture life. To still be 'at home' when your children are at school, to home educate a teenager, to raise children with invisible disabilities in a society that thinks its accepting and understanding but is not (even though we have moved along leaps and bounds), to put my own life 'on hold' and not have financial independence, living with mental illness where prejudices can still be felt and understanding lacking and right on the top of everything is being a christian - which can be thought of as anti evolved, unscientific, anti tolerant of today... It's a life where I can feel pulled in different directions and face conflict because it is different to the lives society has chosen and even different to the life I expected to be living...
Yet here I am, living my story as a christian, wife, mother, home educator and I have fun! My life is full and filled with purpose, and I'm thankful for it.