Whilst lots of you are being reflective over the new year and the new possibilities - I will shortly be having a 'big' birthday. Yes this January, I'm turning 40!!!
It's not too scary - I think that's because I have planned a themed birthday party to celebrate with family and friends so I've been quite distracted about that, rather than the actual physical number. I have decided to have a 1990's themed party. Whilst I was born in 1979, I have no recollection of the seventies (obviously, as I was just a baby) and not that much more of the 80's. I became 10 in 1990 and this is the decade where I transitioned from child to young adult. It seemed fitting to revisit the 1990s as I prepare to enter the season of middle age and all that the 40s have to offer!
So rather than recap my life, or look upon the number as turning old - I've decided to focus on 40 things I can celebrate right now and how turning 40 is an achievement to behold, not hide away from or dread!
40 things to celebrate!
I have made it to 40 years old!
I found Jesus!
I passed my driving test (first time on theory but 3 times to do the practical)
I passed all my GCSEs
I started part time work at age 14
I self funded my driving lessons and tests
I graduated university!
I held down 3 jobs to save to go to university
I worked in buying for the fashion industry
I moved out of the family home as a teenager
I'm married!
I got married in a castle!
I lived by the sea
I have been with my husband since 1995
I was engaged at 17
I'm a mother!
I'm an aunt!
I have relocated to a different area in the UK
I have renovated a house
I have owned (well mortgaged) several properties with my husband
I have travelled abroad, mainly Europe and Asia
I have been on TV
I'm a carer to my autistic children
I have performed on stage - acting, dancing and singing
I have lead and sung worship in church
I have had some amazing friendships!!!
I have survived trauma
I have learned to put the past behind me
I have been to concerts
I have been to musicals
I have seen my favourite comedian live
I have para-glided
I have danced in dodgy and not so dodgy clubs/parties
I have volunteered for a local charity
I have a great body that's seen me through so much!
I have challenged the authorities/government
I home educate one of my autistic children
I have survived lots of accidents, broken bones etc
I have learned from my mistakes and continue to do so
I have learned to like who I am!!
How have you celebrated your big birthdays?
#purposefilledstories #christianblogger #christianblog #lifestylepost #turning40 #celebration #40thingstocelebrate #birthdays #bigbirthdays #middleage #40isthenew...