People are fascinating, so diverse, each person we meet is unique and has their own way in which they connect with the world and others. I love to hear of people’s different stories of where they are in their journey of life, their relationships, passions and what they do with their gift of life.
We can learn through others’ experiences, we can grow and be encouraged in our own lives.
I’m approaching 40 and I’m still figuring out who I am and how I fit in this world. When I was younger I had a plan of what I was going to do and who I was going to be – it all seemed so simple. I was going to study fashion and then I was going to work in buying for a high street fashion chain. I was going to get married and have children. I was then going to choose to teach fashion so that I could be at home whilst my children grew up through school. I was going to be a working mum and have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl. It seemed like a pretty good plan only it didn’t play out quite so straightforward…
Whilst quite a lot of this played out, along this journey I became a Christian and unwittingly stepped onto a rollercoaster. At the time I didn’t appreciate the twists, the drops, the heights, the fears, the speed, being thrown around – out of my control but now with hindsight and maturity, I can look back and see how God was shaping me to be more Christ-like, how he was blessing me, how he gave me more empathy, how he was healing me from past hurts and preparing me for what lay ahead. This certainly was no easy ride and it took along time to realise that being Christian does not exempt you from pain, illness, troubles and that following the ‘rules’ does not earn an easier life.
I have learnt that my testimony of salvation is one part of my story in my journey with Christ but there are many other chapters, the ongoing testimonies which shape my journey with God - where I discover more of who I am, where I marvel more and more at Gods grace, creation and blessings. I feel called to write and voice my journey, to share the gospel as I have experienced it and to encourage others to share also.
