I love to sing and worship God. I love listening to worship music – it ministers to my soul. I can get completely lost in a song, transfixed on the words and the layers of instruments playing together to create sound. I enjoy listening and picking out the different sounds, harmonies and melodies. I enjoy different tempos of songs and am not fixed on a particular style of music.
Songs can live for days in my head and I can be caught singing aloud to the tunes in my head! It is often the songs that stick in my head from church, rather than the preach. So the songs I hear at church are important. I enjoy singing songs of truth, reflecting Gods glory as well as 'feeling' songs.
I enjoy picking out the themes that run through worship. By this i mean, what is God saying to us through the worship and through the music. I have had the privilege of leading worship and am struck watching how the Holy Spirit can change a persons demeanour through worship music. It is amazing to see what God is doing through praising Him. So given that, I have also written my salvation testimony in song – I know, sounds weird – but listen… There is no music, just my voice so you can reflect on the words sung
#purposefilledstories #testimony #jesus #praise #worship #song #singing #lovegod #christian #christianity
