Danielle JamesHow Church can help support families whom have children with autism - Part 4: The ServicePerhaps the children always stay with you throughout the service each week at your church or perhaps it's once a month for the family...
Danielle JamesHow church leaders can help support autism parents - TrainingI cannot emphasise enough the importance of good quality training in helping your volunteers to have understanding and empathy when...
Danielle JamesHow church leaders can help support autism parents - The BuildingThe church is more than just the building, as I wrote previously about creating a culture of acceptance. This time, I want to focus on...
Danielle JamesRoutines and Visuals: Part 2First and Then Card Visual As I have spoken about previously here, we also used a First and Then card. This was a visual to help our...
Danielle JamesWhat 'not to' and 'what to' say to an Autism MumBeing a mother of children with autism sometimes means I am operating on very little energy, strength, sleep and grace. I know people...